Created. can offer you help in a variety of ways including housing, clothing, toiletries, free skill & learning opportunities, discoveries job options, and support. We provide these opportunities and assistance in a safe, fun, and female supportive environment.

Call our 24/7 Helpline at

(813) 445-0884

***Please Note: Created’s resources are specifically designed for women who are (or have been) working in the sex industry, or identify as being sexually exploited and/or trafficked.

The Created 24/7 hotline in not a substitute for emergency services. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

Our 24/7 Helpline is always on:

You can send an email or fill out our form to communicate with us directly.

Find Out More About Us

  • about created, learn more, christian, church, tampa, Florida, help, hotline, trafficking, women, woman


    Created is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian organization committed to the restoration of vulnerable women involved in the sex industry to an understanding of their value, beauty, and destiny in Jesus Christ.


    We see the need of women in our community who have been trafficked and exploited. Our goal is to create as many avenues as possible and offer an open door for them to receive services and support. We do this through our outreach programs.


    Created Tampa operates on the donations of generous people who want to partner in our work to see vulnerable women restored. Consider becoming part of our ongoing support team.